The Children's Book Council of Australia is a volunteered run, not for profit, organisation that was established in 1945 and is comprised of individual members who are passionate about children's and young adult literature.
Children's Book of the Year Awards
These annual awards are for books with an implied readership under the age of eighteen. The Short List in each category is announced in April and the Winner and Honour Book/s announced in August. There are five categories - CBCA Book of the Year: Older Readers, CBCA Book of the Year: Younger Readers, CBCA Book of the Year: Early Childhood, CBCA Picture Book of the Year and the Eve Pownall Award for Information Books.
Junior Judges Project
The Junior Judges Project (JJP), was developed as a project that offers an online national framework for these activities within schools, commencing with the Children's Book of the Year Short List Announcement. Once the Short List is announced, students guided by their teachers, are encouraged to read the shortlisted books and, based on the judging criteria, select their Winner and two Honour Books in one or more categories and cast their votes online either through their teachers or individually. Last year 30,423 students and teachers participated.
CBCA Book Week
Book Week if the longest running children's festival in Australia. For more information about Book Week and events in our local area
click here.
Reading Time
The official journal of the CBCA,
Reading Time is published quarterly and reviews all books for children and young adults published in Australia, many from New Zealand, as some others. The annual subscription is $53.95 withing Australia including GST and postage.
Click here for more information or to subscribe.
And more...
The CBCA also hosts events for children, conferences and assists in the maintenance of the Lu Reeves Archives.